Who we are

Key Impact Consulting is a certified woman owned small business, with over three decades of experience from coast to coast providing a comprehensive portfolio of options for communities in need. 

Staff experience

Founded in 2021 Key Impact Consulting's CEO, Jill Hroziencik brings 30+ years of experience transforming homeless and public health services and systems.

Jill's work includes direct service, tenant's rights advocacy, building systems, ensuring compliance, managing multi-million-dollar awards, and navigating care for communities through multiple public health crises.

Jill's experience, personality and expertise is recognized and remembered in communities from coast to coast. 

the 1990s

Getting Started- 

What started as staff position at a newly opened emergency shelter for women in 1990 for Jill, evolved into a life long commitment to ensuring safe housing for all.

Such work included:

Emergency shelter and housing based-case management

Training and curriculum building for safe sex practices for teens.

Implementing inaugural HOPWA programs including rental assistance, housing search and utility protection.

Housing Court and Eviction Prevention Advocacy

Domestic Violence relocation and safety planning.

Public Housing Authority prioritization and set aside programs for vulnerable persons.

Training and resource development aimed toward assisting tenant maintain fragile housing scenarios.

the 2000s

A new millennium

A new millennium brought new opportunities for Jill to broaden her scope of work across New England, building community capacity and low-barrier housing options for households in need.

Such work included:

HOPWA Special Project of National Significance (SPNS) for the first designated Housing First Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project for families in the region.

HPRP implementation and training.

Collaboration in the development of tools and resource guide for persons exiting the justice system.

Regularly scheduled trainings in Housing First, Tenant's Rights and Motivational Interviewing curriculum for PSH staff.

Oversight of street outreach programming.

Development and management of no to low barrier PSH for over 200 households experiencing homelessness.  

2010 to 2020

Expanding nationally

Jill's combination of designing, implementing, and operating permanent supportive housing programs mixed with years of direct service and training provided a solid foundation for supporting communities nation-wide.

Such work included:

Monitoring and evaluating Low Income Housing Tax Credit programs for 'homeless set aside' compliance.

Providing technical assistance to communities across the country on federal homeless program compliance and management.

Facilitating community conversations and designing Coordinated Entry Systems (CES).

Drafting policies, procedures, and best practices for local management of homeless program funding such as CoC, ESG and RRH.

Collaborating with federal, state, and local partners in designing and implementing effective housing strategies in reducing homelessness.

Oversight, management and compliance of federal homeless programs totaling $60M and providing affordable housing for over 2000 households nightly.

Supporting COVID response rehousing efforts that successfully housed over 1300 households experiencing homelessness during the pandemic.


Key Impact Consulting 

Key Impact Consulting, opened under the leadership of Jill Hroziencik, bringing 30+ years of experience in the field of preventing and ending homelessness and supporting communities in strengthening their homeless and public health response systems aimed at building healthier communities.